
Although it was not a short time after i make system upgrade to 8.04. I had never notice that i can only use wireless but not wired to connected internet until i moved into my new house. Yes, just like what you though. I had no choice but to use wired network to connect internet. It's a bug with the network driver, Realtek8168. Ubuntu did not loading the correct driver, r8618. It apply the wrong driver, r8619. In the situation, Ubuntu can sense wire and applying the r8169 driver to connect internet. However, it can not really make connection to Route and the information such like ip address or broadcast address all showed "".

Thanks to Dale Jefferson had solved the problem (although it's not really solved, i can use wired to make connection now.)

To solve the problem need to install the correct driver, r8168.

sudo apt-get install build-essential
tar -xjvf r8168-8.006.00.tar.bz2
cd r8168-8.006.00/src

# and download the patch, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/14011806/r8168-8.005.00.hardy.diff.txt , to the directory

cd ..
make clean
make modules
sudo make install

# let system known the driver

sudo depmod -a
sudo mkinitramfs -o /boot/initrd.img-`uname -r` `uname -r`

#driver had be installed, but Ubuntu still use r8169 as the default setting. We need to change it every time when we need it. Thanks for jhwilliams wrote the scripts to make it easy.

#download the script, http://www.jamesonwilliams.com/bin/r8168_scripts.tar.bz2, and extract where you want it to be.

cd /../../r8168_scripts/
sudo ./switchmods

# re-activate the network setting

sudo ifconfig eth0 down
sudo ifconfig eth0 up

# Now, you can see that connection information had changed and it load right driver r8168. Enjoy it!!


感謝Dale Jefferson已經解決了這個問題,(雖然並沒有真的解決,不過我現在可以使用有線網路上網了)。


sudo apt-get install build-essential
tar -xjvf r8168-8.006.00.tar.bz2
cd r8168-8.006.00/src

# 並且下載這個補檔(http://launchpadlibrarian.net/14011806/r8168-8.005.00.hardy.diff.txt) 到這個資料夾裡。

cd ..
make clean
make modules
sudo make install


sudo depmod -a
sudo mkinitramfs -o /boot/initrd.img-`uname -r` `uname -r`

#驅動程式已經安裝好了但是Ubuntu依舊會使用r8169當作預設的驅動程式。 我們需要每次手動的更動。感謝jhwilliams寫了scripts方便我們進行更動。

#下載寫好的script,http://www.jamesonwilliams.com/bin/r8168_scripts.tar.bz2, 並且解壓縮到你想要的地方。

cd /../../r8168_scripts/
sudo ./switchmods


sudo ifconfig eth0 down
sudo ifconfig eth0 up

#現在你可以看到網路資訊已經改變,並且也已經載入了正確的驅動程式。 盡情的享用吧!!



